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traction alopecia

Traction Alopecia is a type of hair loss caused by pulling on your hair repeatedly. If you frequently wear your hair in a tight ponytail, bun, or braids, you risk developing this condition, especially if you use chemicals or heat on your hair at the same time. Traction alopecia can be reversed if the stress on your hairline is relieved. If tension is continued the damage is irreversible.

Early signs of traction alopecia are little bumps on the scalp that resemble pimples. There will be missing and broken hairs as the condition worsens. The most afflicted area is the hairline along the front and sides of the scalp. Depending on the hairstyle, it may also affect other areas of the scalp, resulting in hair loss. Hair follicles can eventually become so damaged and scarred that they can no longer create new hair.

Traction alopecia can be caused by:

•the pulling of your hair back into a tight ponytail or bun

•wearing tight braids or dreadlocks

•using hair extensions and wigs

•putting your hair up in hair rods and

rollers overnight

Traction alopecia can cause the following symptoms in addition to hair loss:

•redness of the scalp


•soreness or stinging of your scalp



•folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles)

•pus-filled blisters on your scalp

Traction alopecia has symptoms that are distinct from other types of alopecia. Hair loss happens in spots all over the head in other types. Only the hair that has been pulled is usually affected by traction alopecia. If symptoms are extreme and you have open sores and scarring, seek medical treatment.

The goal is to prevent traction alopecia. If you experience any of those symptoms:

•Take out whatever hairstyle you have immediately to stop tension

•Let your scalp breathe take breaks in between weaves and wigs

•Treat the affected area with our Repair & Restore Oil or Growth, Strengthen & Repair Oil

•Change and alternate your hairstyle every couple of weeks.

•When you pull your hair up into a ponytail, don’t use rubber or elastic bands to hold it in place. They can pull out your hair.

•Avoid chemically processing your hair if you use weaves or braid your hair. The chemicals can weaken and damage your hair, making it more likely to break.

•When you braid your hair or put it in dreadlocks, make them thicker. Thinner braids pull more tightly.

•Don’t use hair relaxers on thinning areas.

•Keep the heat setting low on your hair dryer and flat iron.

•Don’t sleep in hair rods or rollers. Wrap your hair instead.

•If you wear a wig, choose one with a satin wig cap. It won’t pull as hard on your scalp & beware of wig combs!!

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